This game is not yet approved.


No Fate Productions

"Humanitas" is an unconventional visual novel in which "you" are the main character. You are a woman forced to flee your humble village due to the invasion of the Brotherhood of Retribution, a violent group taking over your world in the name of their god. With the help of friends you meet along the way, you find that it is up to you to save your world. But the truth behind these dark times is deeper and more menacing that you'd imagined. The only way to prevail is the face the truth about yourself, about your world, and about humanity. Will you succeed? Will you die trying? In the end, can your world truly be saved? Rated 13+ for strong language, mature themes, and dark subject matter. Does not contain sexual content.

Apr 02, 2019 • 36,834 words • Ages 13+

Visual Novel

Release 1.0

This release is not yet approved.

Release Date: Apr 02, 2019
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py

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