Bai Qu (Hundreds of Melodies)

Bai Qu (Hundreds of Melodies) thumbnail

Magenta Factory •

Location is the ancient capital city Nanjing, China. And time is when spring turns into summer. While visiting his sick father, college student Wei Qiuwu accidentally encountered a concertina playing little girl in the hospital. An inharmonious pair, seemingly. But soon, Wei Qiuwu became a good friend of Li Jiayun, the little player. And both of them act as an indispensable tune in each other's life. With the accompaniment of sedate Nurse Yang Qin and cheerful high school student He Jia, the story surrounding Li Jiayun is about to begin... After they get familiar with each other, He Jia guide Wei Qiuwu and Li Jiayun to visited a lot of interesting places, acquainted with a variety of people and encountered with a diversity of things. They became an inseparable trio as well as good friends, everything looks like blissful. Until one day, Yang Qin unveiled Wei Qiuwu the cruel truth under a fairy-tale cover...

Jul 28, 2017 • 10.00 hours • 200,000 words • All ages

Visual Novel Boy pursues Girl Girl pursues Boy Girl pursues Girl Mystery

Release 1.0

Release Date: Jul 28, 2017
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Other
Engine: Ren'Py


Bai Qu (Hundreds of Melodies) screenshot 1
Bai Qu (Hundreds of Melodies) screenshot 2

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