PsychiXX Mystic Love

Accela Inc.

PsychiXX, IT'S THE MOST EXCITING AND THRILLING ROMANCE SIM GAME EVER! Experience a new sensation with thrilling and heart pounding love stories with men of the supernatural powers. The vivid and realistic narrative made the scene alive and you get inevitably drawn into the story without noticing It features dramatic love stories, mysteries, but also fun aspects such as dressing up your avatar as charming as you can and so forth. Whilst you enjoy romance with different characters in each story, you simultaneously discover mysteries which lie behind throughout the entire story

Aug 01, 2015 • 10,000 words • Ages 13+

Visual Novel Simulation Girl pursues Boy Mystery

Release 1.0.1

Release Date: Aug 01, 2015
Platforms: Other
Engine: Other

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